Previous incidents
Free tier cluster creation delayed and status not properly updated
Resolved Oct 18 at 09:52pm CEST
The problem has been resolved. Cluster creation operations are back to normal. Thank you for your patience.
2 previous updates
Logs and Metrics are currently not showing correctly for some customers in th...
Resolved Sep 30 at 04:44pm CEST
Logs and metrics are now visible in the UI again. Please reach out to us if the issue still persists.
1 previous update
Some clusters recently created in our cloud might be broken
Resolved Sep 19 at 05:19pm CEST
The issue has been resolved. We appreciate your patience. We are currently in touch with all impacted customers. Thank you for your trust.
2 previous updates
Cluster Creation Operation Failure
Resolved Sep 08 at 04:45pm CEST
The issue has now been resolved. We appreciate your patience during this time. Thank you for bearing with us.
2 previous updates